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Item Description

  • Boxes are packed with empty space on top to prevent crushing. There's 1/2 bushel of grapes in a 3/4 bushel box.
  • Orchard run fruit, unsorted.
  • 1/2 bushel is approximately 25 pounds
  • Concord grapes contain seeds.
  • Grown using IPM practices (Integrated Pest Management) 

Concord grapes are very sweet, very juicy, and they have skins that slip off when you bite into them. Because these grapes have seeds, they are most often used for making jams or jellies, wine or fresh grape juice. But many people love to eat Concord grapes fresh. Plan to use your grapes right away or store them in the fridge for up to a week. 

These grapes are a special treat, and the taste and quality fantastic, however, the grapes are not sorted or cleaned. They can be messy, and they're certainly not for everyone. 

To minimize handling, the grapes are picked directly into the boxes you'll receive. This means that you will find some squished or cracked grapes, leaves, and some green grapes in your box. Plan to get them in the fridge and use them within a few days, and expect a percentage of waste. 

Please keep reading the important candid disclosure below.

Concord Grapes: The Good And The Bad

Bad Things About Concord Grapes  (Seriously…)

We’d really hate to start this message off on a negative note since there are so many positives about Concord grapes, but for the sake of being utterly clear, you must know the facts before you place your order.

Concord grapes are not table grapes. The skin is more fragile, and the flesh is much softer. They are picked by the cluster and boxed up without much of a culling process. Therefore, some of the grapes may have some splitting, and grape boxes may leak with juice and condensation.

The main reason for their popularity is not because folks eat them fresh (although many people do), but because all of the wonderful grape things that people make… homemade wine, grape jelly, artisan vinegar, grape cider, and even just canned purple grape juice is both easy and fun to make and absolutely delicious. Some of these grape crafters offer their jams, wines, and juices as neat gifts for special occasions.

How we improve our quality and care about your experience:

If you’ve ever ordered from us you may have noticed that a few days after you get your stuff, you receive an email requesting feedback about your order.

Naturally, we are encouraged by many positive reviews that come in, but the negative reviews give us many insights as well and help us understand what kind of changes we should make. This enables us to respond to any problems and to refund folks if necessary as well.

Concord Grapes:  Popular… But Not Perfect

We only offer Concord Grapes once or twice a year in late September and/or early October. And there are many enthusiasts who buy them.  (psssssst – – These are the kind of grapes that deliver that wonderful grape taste like nothing else.)

And yes, they can be drippy and messy, so it’s important to attend to them right away.  Some of the grapes may be split, and the bottom of the box may leak juice.

Although these grapes are very popular they are generally not very perfect, so we get a wide range of both positive and negative reviews about them.

Your Experience Matters To Us

Of course, we’d like to sell a boat load of Concord grapes. But more than that, we want you to have a good experience with what you order.

We encourage you to order ‘em if you want ‘em as long as you understand what you’re getting:  hand-picked purple grapes that may contain some split, leaky skins…  but they have equally been known to generate some of the most enthusiastic “oooooo’s” and “aaaahhh’s”  and “yaaahhh-baby’s”  we’ve ever heard.

On our end, we will continue to pursue feedback about your experience with the Concord grapes and other great stuff we offer.  And we won’t be difficult to work with if refunding is needed.


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